学术讲座:Prebiotics and Probiotics:emerging trends in food and their beneficial effects on human health
作者:王园园  来源:食品学院   发布日期:18-05-28 19:55:22  最后更新:18-05-28 19:55:22  浏览次数:

Organizer: School of Food Science and Technology

Venue: Room D910

Time: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at 9:30 am

Presentation title: Prebiotics and Probiotics:emerging trends in food and their beneficial effects on human health.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Tahir Zahoor


Dr. Tahir Zahoor is currently working as the Director General of the National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, and the Secretary General of The Pakistan Society of Food Scientists and Technologists. He had also served as an Adjunct Professor at Washington State University, USA. His research focus is on Dairy Microbiology, Food Safety and pre- and pro-biotics. He has published more than 115 research articles in various journals including “Food Chemistry”, “Critical reviews in food science and nutrition”, “LWT-Food Science and Technology”, “Journal of Dairy Research”, “International Dairy Journal”. He has participated in various workshops and seminars in the USA, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.