2000- 2001 南京大学 (新加坡教育部奖学金计划)

2001 - 2005 新加坡国立大学 生命科学系 学士

2005 - 2009 新加坡国立大学 医学院 博士

2005 - 2009 新加坡国立大学 医学院 助理研究员

2009 - 2013 瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院 Kemi II研究组 博士后

2013 - 2013 江南大学 食品学院 副教授 硕士生导师

2014 - 至今 江南大学 食品学院 教授 博士生导师


本科、博士就毕业于新加坡国立大学,获得生物医学学士学位和炎症免疫学博士学位。2009-2013年在瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院生物物理与生物化学系Kemi II课题组(founded by诺贝尔生理或医学奖获得者Bengt Samuelsson教授)从事生物活性物质与炎症、免疫性疾病调控的博士后研究工作,合作导师为Jesper Z Haeggstr?m和Birgitta Agerberth。期间作为负责人获得瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究基金会(KI fonder)课题及会议资助,瑞典Rolf Luft糖尿病基金会Rolf Luft Fellowship(2012年唯一)、瑞典国家科学基金会(VR)资助CERIC炎症与慢性疾病卓越研究中心项目。2012-2013年担任首届国际高登研究研讨论-抗菌肽(Gordon Research Seminar-Antimicrobial Peptides,美国加州)主席工作。

目前研究方向为营养与胰肠区域免疫学,重点关注: 1)胰腺-肠道区域粘膜免疫稳态调控与机理;2)胰腺炎等消化道炎症的新免疫机制、靶点发现及营养、药理干预;3) Cathelicidins抗菌肽及活性脂肪酸在自身免疫、炎症、过敏、先天防御中的免疫调节作用与机制。作为负责人主持国家千人计划(青年)人才项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究项目(培育类)、面上项目,教育部中央高校专项基金重点项目、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省“双创计划”人才项目等10余项;作为中方负责人主持科技部中新交流计划项目和国家外专局高端外国专家项目。担任瑞士Frontiers杂志Frontiers in Immunology、Frontiers in Nutrition客座副主编。

在Cell子刊《Immunity》、《Allergy》、《FASEB J》、《Am J Physiol》等免疫、过敏、胃肠病学领域国际知名学术期刊上发表系列一作或通讯SCI论文,总影响因子超过100,在国际国际同行中产生重要影响。最新以封面文章发表在《Immunity》中的研究论文揭示胰腺胰岛来源抗菌肽cathelicidins受肠道微生物群代谢物短链脂肪酸调控,对胰岛炎与1型糖尿病发挥积极免疫调控作用。该工作被免疫学家Dr. Thaddeus S. Stappenbeck在同期 Immunity做热点预览评论(Previews: Gut-Pancreatic Axis AMPlified in Islets of Langerhans);Faculty 1000 选列为推荐文章;NSFC针对这一成果做基金要闻报道,国内外主流学术媒体(Science Daily,生物通等)评论为重要科学发现。

Dr Jia SUN received her PhD degree in 2009 from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Since 2009, she moved to Karolinska Institute, Sweden for her post-doc training and joined the laboratory founded by Nobel Laureate Bengt Samuelsson, where she investigated the crosstalk between lipid mediators and antimicrobial peptides with a focus on immunomodulatory mechanisms of these mediators in immunological disorders including diabetes and allergy. In January 2013, Dr Jia SUN joined Jiangnan University. In 2014, she became a full professor and group leader of Nutrition and Immunology laboratory.

Dr Sun has long specialized in the field of Nutritional Immunology with special interest in pancreatic-gut regional immunology. Particularly, she has dedicated her research efforts to 1) modulatory effects of endogenous immunomodulatory peptides and mediators on pancreatic-gut immune homeostasis, with implications in autoimmune diabetes, pancreatitis and allergy and 2) the nutritional and pharmacological interventions in these diseases focusing on natural compounds and dietary ingredients such as prebiotics, probiotics, short chain fatty acids, etc.

She has published as the first or corresponding author in journals including Immunity, Front Immunol, FASEB J, Allergy, Mol Nutr Food Res, Am J Physiol etc. Total impact factor is over 120.Her work has been positively previewed, commented or cited by peer expect immunologists in journals including Nature, Nat Rev Immunol, Nat Rev Microbiol, Immunity, Annu Rev Nutr, Annu Rev Immunol. She chaired the first Gordon Research Seminar -Antimicrobial Peptides CA USA in 2013 and is a recipient of National Youth 1000Talents Plan China in 2013 and Jiangsu Provincial Innovator Award in 2014. Currently she is the Lead Principle Investigator for more than 10 research grants. She has also worked as the Guest Associate Editor for the section of Nutrional Immunology of Front Immunol. ?

学  位
中国 无锡 蠡湖大道1800号 bet43365最快线路检测中心 D533,214122