学术报告(更名):Abiological Self-Assembly: Predesigned Metallacycles and metallacages via Coordination
作者:胡拥明  来源:食品学院   发布日期:18-04-20 14:11:44  最后更新:18-04-20 14:11:44  浏览次数:


报告题目:Abiological Self-Assembly: Predesigned Metallacycles and metallacages via Coordination


报告人:美国科学院院士、美国化学会志(JACS)杂志主编Peter J. Stang教授


Peter J. Stang教授是国际著名的化学家,美国加州大学伯克利分校化学博士,普林斯顿大学博士后,1997—2007年曾任美国犹他大学理学院院长,2000年当选美国国家科学院院士,2002年当选美国艺术与科学院院士,2006年当选中国科学院外籍院士,2007年当选匈牙利科学院外籍院士。2000—2001年曾担任美国化学会《有机化学杂志》(JOC)的主编,并于2002年开始担任国际上最著名的化学期刊之一《美国化学会志》(JACS)主编至今。Peter J. Stang教授主要从事超分子自组装和MOF的研究,在配位化学、有机金属及高价碘化学诸领域做出了重大的贡献,是分子构筑与分子组装领域论文被引用率最高的科学家之一。Stang教授已发表学术论文及综述500余篇,在化学诸多领域产生了重要影响。 Stang教授先后获美国化学会F. A. Cotton杰出化学研究奖章、美国化学会Paul G. Gassman 杰出贡献奖、Fred Basolo无机化学杰出研究奖、美国化学会Linus Pauling奖章、美国化学会碘化学创新研究应用奖、美国犹他州科学技术奖、美国化学会最高荣誉Priestley奖等诸多荣誉。2011年,Stang教授获得了美国国家科学勋章(美国总统予科学家,工程师和发明家的最高荣誉)。


The use of just two types of building blocks, linear and angular, in conjunction with symmetry considerations allows the rational design of a wide range of metallocyclic polygons and polyhedra via the coordination motif.1-3 We have used this approach to self-assemble a variety of 2D supramolecular polygons such as triangles, rectangles, squares, hexagons, etc. as well as a number of 3D supramolecular polyhedra: truncated tetrahedra, triginal prisms, cubooctahedra4 and dodecahedra.5 An example of the methodology is illustrated in Figure 1. More recently we have functionalized these rigid supramolecular scaffolds with different electroactive, host-guest, dendritic (Figure 2), and hydrophobic/hydrophilic moieties and have investigated the properties of these multifunctionalized supramolecular species.6 Additionally, we have begun to explore the self-assembly of 2D polygons and 3D polyhedra on a variety of surfaces with the aim of developing their potential to be used in device settings.7-12 These novel, supramolecular ensembles are characterized by physical and spectral means. The design strategy, formation, characterization and potential uses of these novel metallocyclic assemblies will be discussed, along with our very recent results.